Friday 6 October 2017

PG Program in Diabetes Online

The One year Fellowship in Diabetes Mellitus aims at preparing you as a generalist doctor with comprehensive up-to-date knowledge in the management of Diabetes that allows you to confidently deal with routine problems in Diabetes in your clinical practice. During the course the candidates will be trained in different aspects of the inpatient and outpatient care of diabetes. They will also be exposed to the management of various diabetes complications through postings in the diabetic eye, heart and foot clinics and intensive care. At the end of the Course the candidate will be fully competent to deal with any type of diabetes patient as well as with diabetes complications of any degree of severity.

At Indian Medical Association College, PG Program inDiabetes Mellitus provides you with comprehensive up-to-date Post Graduate knowledge in the management of Diabetes in your clinical practices.

For more info :


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